Technology Toggle

“ADVANCED CONCUSSION TECHNOLOGY™” (Coil Sports Safety Technology™

“Advanced Concussion Technology Technology™” encompasses impact attenuation through a multidimensional, structural “coil” “ring” system using enhanced impact recoil reflection and other control characteristics.

  • The “coils,” continuously linked as a contiguous unit, or as concentric rings, are designed to transfer and dissipate the small to significant impact energy waveforms through “waveform mediation.”
  • Each time the impact energy waveform makes a revolution through the “coils” the energy reduces and reflects, as indicated by the arrows “splashing” over into other coil channels, uniformly into all dimensions.
  • The coil process works in a “compression” manner versus a tension manner, and the mechanism primarily is “dissipation” then “attenuation” of the energy waveform. 
  • Tate Technology, LLC’s first 6 patents will issue under U.S. Patent No. 9,314,060 on April 19, 2016. ENHANCED RECOIL ATTENUATING SAFETY HELMET,
    2 liner systems, ear ports, faceguard reciving channel, durability indicator, material science for the coils and for the helmet shells.


Impacts do not have to be helmet to helmet to create issues

  • Impact force resulting in concussions, TBI, CTE, or other head, brain, and neck trauma may come from:
    • helmet to helmet blows, helmet to ground, helmet to chest, shoulder, knee, and so on
    • projectiles, which can also create trauma, and helmets must meet the expectation to energy attenuate in all scenarios
    • IED blasts that also create concussive force wherein the same trauma results from the energy waveform
  • So however it is created – technology must solve the issue of dissipating and energy attenuating the impact waveform

“Advanced Concussion Technology™”

      • Coil Sports Safety Technology™ encompasses impact attenuation through a multidimensional, structural “coil” “ring” system using enhanced impact recoil reflection and other control characteristics

      • The coil process works in a “compression” manner versus a “tension” manner, and the mechanism primarily is “dissipation” then “attenuation” of the energy waveform

Transitional CT Scan of Test Helmet with the Coil System

How Energy is Dissipated

The “coils,” continuously linked as a contiguous unit, or as concentric rings, are designed to transfer and dissipate the small to significant impact energy waveforms through “waveform mediation.”

Each time the impact energy waveform makes a revolution through the “coils” the energy reduces and reflects, as indicated by the arrows shown in the previous slide, “splashing” over into other coil channels, uniformly into all dimensions.

Mechanism of Energy Reduction

  • Redirection of mechanical energy (i.e. the helmet impact) perpendicular to the incident blow:
    • Accomplished by mechanical energy transfer from the bulk filler material (i.e. the helmet shell) into the network of interconnected rings
    • Transforms compression and tension effects on the shell into compression and rarefaction in the network of rings
    • Facilitates better dispersion of the mechanical energy from the impact over the entirety of the helmet surface
  • Conventional wave physics also comes into play:
    • The bulk filler material (shell) has significantly less density than the ring material
    • This establishes a boundary zone in the shell leading to wave:
    • Reflection
    • Refraction
    • Dispersion
      • An optimized design would also maximize the critical angle occurrence optimizing energy transfer into the ring network
        • Further leads to decreased energy transfer through the shell

Carbon Fiber Test Helmets with Vinyl Nitril Foam Liner

Collisions Produce Changes is Momentum Equal to the Impulse of Force

X-ray Images of the Coil System Post Testing

CT View of the Coils Post Testing

Helmet Impacts are Subject to Linear and Rotational Acceleration

The clip below is from ABC’s Nightline. The full video can be seen here


The Coil System Dissipates & Attenuates Both Linear and Rotational Acceleration

Proof of Concept Testing

  • Tate Technology, LLC proof-of-efficacy tested the “Advanced Concussion TechnologyTM” at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, a NOCSAE-rated facility, using an off-shore manufacturer’s finished product helmets fabricated 100% with carbon fiber where Tate achieved 11% reduction in g-force, SI & HIC testing with the NOCSAE Drop System, and from the Linear Impactor Tate achieved a reduction in Peak Rotational Acceleration from 3-18%, as well as in Peak Rotational Velocity from 3.5-7%.
  • Tate then continued with multiple rounds of testing at Tate’s testing laboratory in April, May, August, and September, and October 2014 using Tate’s internally calibrated NOCSAE Drop System where Tate achieved mean reduction (ten hits/side) in g-force – up to 21%; Severity Index (“SI”) –up to 30%, and Head Injury Criterion (“HIC”) – up to 27%.
  • September 2015, Tate tested ten helmets, five (5) “Control,” and five (5) “Experiment” with the Coil System, using professionally produced carbon fiber lay-up helmets in a pressurized vacuum injection full-mold process. Tate consistently achieved “statistically significant” test results, with up-to reduction in g-force of 30%, Gadd Severity Index (“SI”) reduction of 49.7%, and in Head Injury Criterion (“HIC”) of 35%. Remainder analysis will be completed shortly, and throughout testing in 2014-2015 results reach as high as: NOCSAE 24” drop: 72% reduction in the HIC, 79% in the SI, and 42% in the g-force. NOCSAE 60” drop: 45% in the HIC, 45% in the SI, and 32% in the g-force


Virginia Tech. Proof of Efficacy Linear Impactor front slow motion

Magnetic Suspension

Opposing magnetic forces provide magnetic resistance to impact force with the outer helmet shell 100% hovering/floating over the inner system thereby allowing the outer helmet shell to rotate with multiple degrees of freedom taking the very destructive rotational acceleration & velocity away from the wearers head. The system is not limited by “hard attachment” connections whereas pillars, cones, and other devices in the current art are unitized/attached severely constraining/limiting the ability to rotate.

Tactical Impact Mitigation Over Boot Technology

Protective over boots designed to be used in military and recreational jumps reducing impact forces associated with hitting the ground. The tactical impact over boot uses Tate’s non-Newtonian fluid to address impact force dissipation and attenuation thereby addressing both linear and rotational impact force incurred when engaging the ground.

Footwear Insert Impact Mitigation and Sensor Technology

the footwear insert is designed to energy attenuate impact force from daily footwear use, such as walking, as well as in athletic footwear using Tate’s patent pending non-Newtonian fluid. Additionally, there are two prospective sensor systems to measure and record impact force, as well as vital information including: blood pressure, oxygen saturation rate, heart rate, EKG, respiration rate, skin temperature, hydration and then for fitness, activity and fall detection.
